Cooking workshops!

Cooking workshops!

Velitt Experience offering for 2 days cooking workshop. Our instructor will be Saeed Lourens,. Saeed Lourens is a Cheff who is specialized in nature ingredients.

Our cooking menu will be : Nachos from bananas, tomatoes, salades, pasta with a papaya sauce. Here is few lines about our menu and how you will get benefit with this.

Nachos from bananas… a fun way to enjoy dessert nachos, especially on a hot summer day! Take this more than 100-year old sundae to a new level with these nachos. You won’t have to worry about the ice cream melting since this treat will be devoured in no time! Try my Nachos from bananas Fluff to keep with the theme.

Tomato salad : well, the day has arrived. The moment you’ve been waiting for all year long. You wander over to your local farmers market and bam! There they are. The summer’s best tomatoes have landed! They’re gorgeous, they smell like heaven, and, judging by how weighty they feel in your hand, you know these babies are juicy. You buy as many as you can carry and bring them home.

pasta with a papaya sauce : Avoid cheese on pesto to make it dairy-free, paleo, whole30 friendly diets. Bored of eating zucchini, squash noodles? Try this green papaya for a different flavor. Firstly, raw papaya on its own does not have any flavor. Added flavors of pesto and veggies make it a whole meal and guilt-free dinner.

If you are interested and wants to join with us, kindly contact with us. Our team will let you know how you can join on our team. 

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